Monday 7 January 2013

I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! - 17/9/2012

I suppose you can guess what I’m talking about from the title! And I don’t intend to be quoting the bunny from Alice in Wonderland.
When we got married, exactly 1 year and 7 days ago, my husband and I decided to put off having kids for about a year just to get used to the new “Married” life style and the responsibilities. I wonder if the doors to heaven were open back then and God heard our plans and approved.
I don’t want to rush things and start planning the baby shower and college applications but things are happening to me that have never happened to me before. Such as:
1.       Late… I’m never late… I mean there could be an entire calendar made based on my cycle. Figuratively speaking!
2.       Weird cramps… it feels like your gut is being grabbed tightly for a new seconds and then nothing.
3.       Acute sense of smell… I mean I usually have a good sense of smell but this is ridiculous, bloody hell! I can smell my husband a mile away, I can smell the cotton that my shirt is made of and I can smell the papers on my desk… you know those very discrete smells that aren’t usually there!
4.       Acute sense of hearing… I can hear each one of my colleagues’ key board typing, and their breathing, and whispers of people talking from other offices.
5.       A little light headedness and an unprecedented disgust for the taste of toothpaste in the morning.
I suppose a quick Clear Blue test wouldn’t hurt.   

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