Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Top 10 most hated phrases…

These past few weeks (months…but I’m trying not to be a drama queen) have been very stressful.  With our apartment’s remodeling that is taking longer that we had planned, all the wedding preparations, and a little stress at work have been more than enough to take me off the handle.  All that, and the little things in life that pass everyday, sometimes unnoticed, but still eat at you like gangrene.   
The nerve wrecking phrases that have been resonating around me are listed as follows in order of annoyance:
1.       Battery is too low for Radio Connection
When my BB battery turns red and an X appears where the connection bars should be, then my life is compromised into a quest for the nearest charger. Ahhhhh!
Doesn’t that just make you want to crash?
3.       Let’s sit on this for 10 minutes (when its 4:55 pm)
Umm… Let’s not! We had 9.5 hours to sit on it; in 10 minutes I have to be on my way home!
4.       When will you be home?
When I arrive, then I’ll be home… Seriously, you’d think after 23 years and a marriage they’d give up… Nooo!!!
5.       This price doesn’t include taxes
Oh Please, I’m either enjoying my meal or in the midst of a shopping spree, so save me the calculations and give me the final price already!
6.       I’m going to be a little late
If you know you are going to be late, leave earlier. Duuhhh!!
7.       You have reached 80% of your 100MB Blackberry bundle.
Thank you for reminding me that I’m paying 40$ for a ridiculous service!
8.       The doctor will be with you shortly. (Shortly turns into an hour or so)
Kindly refer to the “I Hate Doctors” blog on the link below:
9.       You have 10 minutes to submit this project.
“10 minutes” is the key phrase to make you lose all concentration.  How supportive!
10.   I’m sorry; we are fully booked for the evening.
Ok, I can’t blame them for having such a great restaurant.

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