Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Chemical Diet

...Guaranteed to lose 4 to 6kg / week!!
Before you begin
·         Use an accurate scale to check your weight
·         This diet does not rely on calorie count; instead it relays on the biochemical interactions in the body.
·         This diet is to be followed with extreme accuracy, in the same order and time, because if any food is switched or replaced by another, the diet will not be effective.
·         When the amount of food is not specified, you are free to eat until you are full.
·         Refer to final page for more comments.

Week 1
½ an Orange or a Grape Fruit + (1 – 2) boiled egg. (To be eaten everyday for breakfast for the first week)

Monday:              Lunch: Any one kind of fruit in any amount (Orange, strawberry, pear, apple, watermelon, melon, plum)
                                Dinner: Grilled cow’s meat (barbeque, grilled steak) with no fat.

Tuesday               Lunch: Boiled or Grilled Chicken (No skins)
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
                                                Salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, rocket leaves, carrots)
                                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                                1 orange or grape fruit

Wednesday       Lunch: White Cheese (halloum, double crème, feta…)
                                                1 toast
                                                1 orange or grape fruit
                                Dinner: Grilled cow’s meat (barbeque, grilled steak) with no fat.

Thursday             Lunch: Any one kind of fruit in any amount (Orange, strawberry, pear, apple, watermelon, melon, plum)
                                Dinner: Grilled cow’s meat (barbeque, grilled steak) with no fat.
                                                Salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, rocket leaves, carrots)

Friday                   Lunch: 2 boiled eggs
                                                Boiled vegetables (peas, carrots, zucchini)
                                Dinner: Grilled Fish or shrimp or tuna in water

Saturday              Lunch: Any one kind of fruit in any amount
                                Dinner: Grilled Meat
Sunday                 Lunch: Grilled or Boiled Chicken (no skins)
                                                Boiled Vegetables
                                                1 orange or grapefruit
                                Dinner: Boiled Vegetables

Week 2
½ an Orange or a Grape Fruit + (1 – 2) boiled egg. (To be eaten everyday for breakfast for the first week)
Monday               Lunch: 2 boiled eggs
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
                                                1 orange or grapefruit
Tuesday               Lunch: Grilled cow’s meat
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
                                                1 orange or grapefruit

Wednesday       Lunch: Grilled cow’s meat
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
                                                1 orange or grapefruit

Thursday             Lunch: 2 boiled eggs
                                                White cheese (no fat)
                                                Boiled Vegetables
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
                                                Boiled Vegetables

Friday                   Lunch: Grilled Fish or Shrimp
                                Dinner: 2 boiled eggs

Saturday              Lunch: Grilled meat
                                                1 orange or grapefruit
                                Dinner: Mixed fruits

Sunday:                Lunch: Grilled or boiled chicken
                                                1 orange or grape fruit
                                Dinner: Grilled or Boiled Chicken
                                                1 orange or grape fruit

Week 3
Monday:              All day, fruits at any time with any amount (except for grapes, mangos, dates, bananas, figs)
Tuesday:              All day, vegetables at any time with any amount (except for potatoes or dried vegetables)
Wednesday:      All day, fruits and vegetables at any time with any amount (except mentioned)
Thursday:            All day, Grilled Fish or shrimps in any amount
                                Lettuce and rocket leaves salad
Friday:                  Grilled meat or chicken at any time or amount and boiled vegetables
Saturday and Sunday:    Both days, any one kind of fruit at any time and in any amount.

Week 4
The types and kinds of foods stated in the 4th week are to be distributed though out the day at any time but with no extras.
Monday:              4 strips of grilled meat or chicken
                                3 tomatoes + 4 cucumbers
                                1 can of tuna in water
                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                1 orange or grape fruit

Tuesday:              2 strips of grilled meat
                                3 tomatoes + 4 cucumbers
                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                1 apple
                                1 orange or grape fruit

Wednesday:      1 spoon of white cheese (no fat)
                                1 can of tuna in water
                                Small bowl of grilled vegetables
                                2 tomatoes + 2 cucumbers
                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                1 apple

Thursday:            ½ a grilled chicken
                                2 tomatoes + 4 cucumbers
                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                1 apple
                                1 orange or grape fruit

Friday:                  2 boiled eggs
                                1 lettuce
                                1 orange or grape fruit

Saturday:             2 chicken breasts (Boiled)
                                ½ kg of white cheese
                                1 toast or ¼ brown bread
                                2 tomatoes + 1 cucumber
                                1 orange or grape fruit  

Sunday:                1 slice of white cheese
                                1 can of tuna in water
                                Small bowl of boiled vegetables
                                2 tomatoes + 2 cucumbers
                                1 toast
                                1 orange or grape fruit

Important points
1.       Drink a lot of water (8 glasses/ day)
2.       Boil the vegetables with no additions except salt, pepper, onions or garlic
3.       No oil, butter, or any form of fats or lipids
4.       Drink coffee or tea at anytime but with no sugar, milk, or crème added (Canderel  is allowed)
5.       Drink 1 or 2 cans of diet soda drinks (diet pepsi, diet 7 up)
6.       If you feel hungry, you can cucumbers, carrots, lettuce as long as its after 2 hours of the main course.
7.       Sports activities are advised during the diet
8.       If you want to repeat this diet, it is preferable to repeat the 1st week twice, and the 4th week twice.

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