Friday 1 February 2013

It’s a PLUS - 19/9/2012

It was time to do the Clear Blue! A week had lapsed and still no sign, so doubt was beginning to eat me up in side.
My husband and I stopped by the local pharmacy and bought two Clear Blue tests; apparently there are two kinds, one that can tell if you’re “prego” even before you miss your period and is more expensive, and another than can tell on the same day! How lame! (12,000 L.L. v/s 6,000 L.L.)
Anyway, I bought both, took them home, and put them on my bedside cabinet for next morning! As if they need to be there in my face for me to remember!
The next morning, I got up, took one of the tests from the bag and went to the bathroom to do my business. I waited patiently for the result…
Two lines, a.k.a. (||).
Suddenly I became blind and illiterate. Seriously, it’s like you’re reading the results to an exam you want to pass so desperately! No matter how many times you read “Pass” it still reads gibberish!
Not convinced, I left the bathroom and went back into my bedroom to get the other, more expensive thus more accurate, test and tried again.
A Plus sign, a.k.a  (+).
Hmm, I swear I knew what a plus sign looked like before that day!
I called my husband, who came running into the bathroom, and asked him what he saw. Naturally he said two lines and a plus sign and grinned so deeply!
Still not entirely convinced, I called my Dr. and told him about the test. After saying those early congratulations, he told me to do the Beta HCG blood test.
 I admit, I’m usually a calm person, who takes things easy, but they say when you’re pregnant things change; and I guess calling the lab 3 times in an hour counts.
Mr. Lab Man: “Your HCG level is 3,300.”
Me: “Soo what? What does that mean? Positive or Negative?”
Mr. Lab Man: “It’s a Positive, Congratulations!”
Me: “Ok, Ok, Ok, positive, Ok, Ok.”
And I closed the line in the poor man’s face!
What came after were a bunch of tear filled phone calls, congratulations, and a new sense of serenity and content I had never felt before. May God bless every woman (who wants children) with such a feeling!
Ladies and Gentlemen, yes! months!